

    Vacancies for Foreign Teachers at University of Jinan

    日期:2014-04-17来源:刘鑫 浏览量:

    Vacancies for Foreign Teachers at University of Jinan
           336, West Road Nan Xin Zhuang, Jinan, Shandong, 250022, China

     Job Opportunities for Foreign Teachers(different Language)
                       One Academic Year: Aug. 27, 2014----Jul. 15, 2015
    Ⅰ.  Language teaching positions are available at School of Foreign Languages: 
    1. English teaching position (6 teachers)
    2. French teaching position (2 teachers)
    3. German teaching position (1 teacher)
    4. Japanese teaching position (2 teachers) 

    II .  Specialty teaching positions are available at the cooperation programs in other schools:
    1. School of Economics: 6 teachers with Economics or Business education background
    2. School of Information Science and Engineering: 2 teachers with Information Science education background
    3. School of Resource and Environment: 2 teachers with Environmental Science education background
    4. School of Mechanical Engineering: 2 teachers with Mechanical Science education background

    Ⅲ.  Required Qualifications:
    1. Native speaker with excellent professional skills
    2. Master’s degree or above (Bachelor’s degree with excellent teaching experience will be considered)
    3. At least 2 years of full-time teaching experience
    4. 24-62 years old
    5. Be in good physical and psychological health condition
    6. No alcohol or drug addiction
    7. No criminal record
    8. Friendly, compatible, good communication skills and a team-player

    Ⅳ.  Application materials:
    1.  Application letter
    2.  Copy of valid passport (the page with the photo and personal information)
    3.  Copy of the certificate of the highest degree, (copy of other special skills certificates)
    4.   Two Recommendation Letters addressing your teaching or work experience.
    5.  Other useful information like detailed vitae with e-mail address, postal address, phone number, teaching and work experience, and detailed educational background (with exact dates and location information) .
    6.  A digital picture, same size as the one on your passport.
    Ⅴ.  Contact Information: 
    1. Applying for language teaching positions in School of Foreign Languages, please send application materials by e-mail to the coordinators:
    English:    Mr. GAO Qiang: teachinginujn@126.com  or: sfl_gaoq@ujn.edu.cn
    French:    Ms. ZHAO Shang Wen: sfl_zhaosw@ujn.edu.cn
    German:   Mr. ZHANG Anbin: sfl_zhangab@ujn.edu.cn
    Japanese:  Ms. QUAN Xiaoyun: sfl_quanxy@ujn.edu.cn

    2. Applying for specialty teaching position in cooperation programs, please send application materials by e-mail to the coordinators in different schools:
    (1)  School of Economics:  Ms. HUANG Ying: ying2008jn@gmail.com; se_huangy@ujn.edu.cn
    (2)  School of Information Science and Engineering:  Mr. SUN Runyuan: sunry@ujn.edu.cn
    (3)  School of Resource and Environment:  Ms. XU Weiying: stu_xuwy@ujn.edu.cn
    (4)  School of Mechanical Engineering:    Mr. ZHANG Bing:me_zhangb@ujn.edu.cn

    Notice: Submit application letter and necessary supporting materials to the coordinators in relevant schools. You will receive confirmation of your application receipt within 20 days.

    Ⅵ.  Benefits will be offered as the following:
    1. Round trip airfare (economic class with most direct route from your home city to Jinan) for one academic year contract and one way ticket for spring semester contract. We will arrange a pick-up of teachers at Jinan Airport.
    2. Salary: Monthly salary starts with ¥ 5100 CNY, it will be higher according to your qualification and working experience.
    3. Travel allowance: ¥2200 CNY for one academic year,¥ 1100 CNY for one semester.
    4. Enjoy winter vacation and the Chinese legal holidays with salary.
    5. One free fully furnished apartment with bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, TV, telephone, drinking water dispenser, air-conditioner, washing machine and basic cooking utensils are provided. Costs for water, electricity, heating and campus internet will be assumed by university (not including costs of board, drinking water, telephone bill and broad band internet).
    6. UJN will offer commercial medical insurance during employment. However expenses for registration, doctors’ home visits, fitting false teeth, cleaning teeth, undergoing cosmetic surgery, buying spectacles, seeing a doctor outside the university clinic, hospital-stay and cost of non-medical tonics and some medicines are not covered in the medical insurance.
    7. University of Jinan will assist in the application for Work Permit, Work invitation (“Z” visa application materials) and Residence Permit in China (only for one academic year teacher) and “F” visa for one semester teacher.
    8. If both parties are satisfied with each other at the end of the one semester contract, foreign teachers can apply for contract renewal for another academic year ahead of time, Jinan University will help foreign teachers to apply for Residence Permit according to Chinese Laws.
    Ⅶ.  Teaching information:
    1.  For detailed teaching Information such as courses, classes and students, please contact the relevant coordinator in your schools
    2. Teaching Time: No more than 16 teaching hours (about 14 hours) per week. You may have classes on another campus (there are two campuses in UJN), free shuttle is provided between campuses
    3.  Some Requirements:
    (1) Make good preparation for every class and keep attendance record.  Give examination to all students and second-chance exam to those who didn’t pass the exam the first round. Hand in the mark reports to the head of the department on time. Accept the supervision and evaluation related to teaching.
    (2) Follow up the work system of the university. Adhere to the teaching schedule and work arrangement.  Changing, canceling or missing class without prior permission for department head is absolutely prohibited.
    (3) Assessments of the course may include attendance, in-class performance, papers and final exams.
    4.  Volunteer Activities: guest lectures, take part in other school activities for the benefit of the students, school and the university.

    International Affairs Office