


    日期:2014-11-06来源:化学化工学院 浏览量:


    报告时间地点:2014年11月10日10:30 化学化工学院逸夫楼A315学术报告厅
    报告人:仲伟虹(Katie Zhong), Westinghouse Distinguished Professor/Chair Professor, Washington State University
    报告题目:Flexible and Safe Battery Materials for Next Generation Conformable Electronics and Power Sources
    报告人简介:仲伟虹教授,美国华盛顿州立大学机械与材料工程系杰出教授(亦译:首席教授/Chair Professor)。1994年于北京航空航天大学获博士学位并留校任教,1999破格晋升为教授。2003年被美国North Dakota State University 聘请为副教授,并被提前授予终身职位。2007年受聘于华盛顿州立大学,2010年晋升教授,2012年被授予西屋杰出教授、华盛顿州立大学校级优秀博士导师。自2005年起成为波音公司纳米技术顾问。2012年加拿大著名大学University British Columbia授予其“世界顶尖15名优秀科学家之一”的荣誉称号。仲教授先后在Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Letters, Macromolecules, Carbon等材料科学的重要国际刊物上发表过多篇有影响力的研究论文,发表论文的总引用次数高达1100余次。其研究的用于低能耗制造高性能结构复合材料的“液体纳米增强”技术被美国宇航局列入2011年度重要的科技创新技术。其课题组关于强力胶电解质(gum-like electrolyte)、蛋白质改性聚合物电解质(soy protein based electrolyte)等方面的工作先后被国际知名杂志(比如《经济学人》)和重要学术网站及刊物(比如ScienceDaily, Materials Today等)广泛报道。她指导的博士研究生曾获多项世界级的荣誉,其中包括波音公司的“世界最佳工程博士生/博士后”,国际材料研究学会(MRS)的“环境及能源材料领域世界最佳50名博士生/博士后”等重要奖励。
    报告摘要:To procure safe, ultra-elastic and superior ironically conductive solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) are a prerequisite for the development of foldable/flexible devices that are increasingly demanded in next-generation electronics and high power density applications. In this talk, safety issues for the use of Li-ion batteries are summarized, and then two types of SPEs that possess high ionic conductivity and strong interfacial adhesion with electrodes are introduced. One is a bio-based SPE. Developing such high performance SPEs using a bio-material is particularly significant. Abundant soy products are usually used as rigid fillers for enhancing mechanical properties of plastics. In our studies, a rubber-like, soy protein-based SPE was achieved via controlling denatured structure of soy protein isolate. The conductivity and elasticity are both significantly improved with soy protein involvement. The other SPE is called gum-like electrolyte, as it appears like a chewing gum. Our study results showed that it can have a great potential to possess all-around beneficial properties: high ionic conductivity and mechanical properties, strong adhesion, and stable retention of liquid component as well as good safety characteristics.