

    资源与环境学院学术报告:Advances in Ecological Risk Assessment for Metals in Water, Sediments and Soils

    日期:2017-04-19来源:资源与环境学院 浏览量:

    报告题目:Advances in Ecological Risk Assessment for Metals in Water, Sediments and Soils



    报告人:Robert L. Dwyer, Ph.D.



    Dr. Robert Dwyer is the Associate Director – Environment, for the Health, Environment and Sustainable Development (HESD) Program of the International Copper Association, Ltd., headquartered in New York.  ICA’s HESD Program conducts a broad range of research and technical assistance in the areas of health, environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology, and sustainable development to assist in the stewardship of copper products around the world.  The Program generally seeks to replace uncertainties about copper products in the minds of regulatory agencies and consumers with sound science published in peer-reviewed journals, and to document the contributions of copper products to meeting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. 

    Dr. Dwyer directs research programs regarding the bioavailability of copper in the environment (fresh waters, marine waters, sediments and soils), and Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) quantifying the impacts of the copper value chain.  Currently, he designs and is managing comprehensive scientific studies to support regulatory and market acceptance of new copper products such as innovative copper alloy meshes in aquaculture. ICA’s HESD Program also provides guidance and technical assistance to the copper industry’s 29 Copper Development Centers around the world.

    Dr. Dwyer has over 30 years’ experience in assisting industries with surface water-related issues.  Prior to joining ICA, he managed over 300 surface water resources studies and site risk assessments for industrial clients and the US government as a consultant, primarily in the areas of surface water quality assessment, and human and ecological risk assessment.  Prior to consulting, he was a research scientist in the US EPA’s Office of Research and Development.  Dr. Dwyer holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from MIT, and his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island.