

    信息学院学术报告:Digitalization, open innovation and prototyping at University of Ljubljana

    日期:2017-10-13来源:信息学院 浏览量:

    报告题目:1.Digitalization, open innovation and prototyping at University of Ljubljana

              2. Blockchain technologies for IoT


    报告时间: 2017年10月16日(周一)上午,第1场:9:00-10:00,第2场:10:15-11:30




    报告专家:1. Andrej Kos, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

              2. Matevž Pustišek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


    报告1内容简介:Abstract: In the last years, the ICT innovation, research and development area has changed drastically. Nowadays, the ICT is part of the industry 4.0, health care, education, training etc., and has as such a crucial role in all parts of our lives. Developing products and services, conducting research and innovation activities, where ICT has a supporting role, means that in addition to the ICT domains, researchers and developers have to acquire domain specific knowledge from different application sectors, such as health, energy or education. This means that traditional ICT education and training are not providing all the competences needed and are therefore inefficient in meeting the needs of the industry and economy. New, innovative models of education and training are necessary and they should include solution oriented design thinking and prototyping. In addition, a short review of ICT-based innovation activities and good practices at UL FE is given.

    报告人1简介:Andrej Kos is a full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering as well as the Head of the Laboratory for Telecommunications. He received his PhD at the University of Ljubljana from the field of telecommunications in 2003. Andrej Kos is visiting professor at Technical University Graz and Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. He has been working in the field of ICT since 1996. He first specialized in modeling and design of fixed and mobile high-speed networks and services and quality of service. Currently, at the center of his work are fixed and mobile broadband systems and services, including software defined networking, virtualization, testing, quality of experience and applications of Internet of Things. He leads the Commission for Innovations at the University of Ljubljana. He is a vice-chair of oversight committee of Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (Regulator for Telecommunications, Media, Post, and Railway). Andrej Kos has led more than 30 industrial and research projects. He was team member that set up the Ljubljana University Incubator (LUI), and the team that set up the Technology Network Slovenia (TN ICT) and lately Makerlab Ljubljana. Currently he and his team are setting up national Fablab network.


    报告2内容简介:Blockchain (BC) technologies have a potential to blend with the existing Internet of things (IoT) platforms. BC enabled IoT platforms can be offered as a service (BIoTaaS) to provide scalable and trusted new approaches in e.g. IoT device authentication and management, trading with IoT data or in providing a reliable and trusted interfaces between Web and smart contracts. At the same time this can lead to a gradual decentralization of highly centralized traditional cloud platforms – a needed change in IoT that can be anticipated from the fog computation and communication architectures, too. There are several distributed ledger protocols potentially suitable for the Internet of things (IoT), including the Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric and IOTA. Very diverse applications of BIoTaaS are possible, so it is unlikely that one BC platform approach or architecture will be meeting all these needs. Two differentiators have the key impact on selection of BC technology for particular BIoTaaS: existence of need for instant and independent on-chain payments; and where the dominant focus is set – on the IoT devices or on the business-to-business (B2B) applications. If the devices are central and payments are required, then the Ethereum BC is the favorite. In case of B2B Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) might be a preferable option due to security features beyond trust, derived from the permissioned network model.  We present a set of requirements for an efficient BIoTaaS. These include Web/HTTP/REST and other acknowledged application programming interfaces (API) for entire IoT and BC service access, on-chain smart contracts, low transaction confirmation delays for instant payments and near real-time operation, and smart oracles for interfacing the off-chain “real-world” objects and systems. We also present three possible architectures for the IoT front-end applications. They differ in positioning of Ethereum blockchain clients (local device, remote server) and in positioning of key store needed for the management of outgoing transactions.

    报告人2简介:Matevž Pustišek, Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His research is focused on Internet services and applications, including mobile, Web, and IoT. A special interest is oriented towards IoT architectures and security aspects. Recently additional focus is set on use of blockchain technologies in IoT. He has been leading project activities at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in several international projects, including the i2web, 3rD-Life, COST IS1204. At present he is collaborating in Ekosmart project (http://ekosmart.net/en/ekosmart-2/) on smart cities and communities.