

    信息学院学术报告:Biofeedback systems in sport

    日期:2017-10-13来源:信息学院 浏览量:

    报告题目:1.Biofeedback systems in sport

              2.Applications and smart equipment in sport feedback systems


    报告时间: 2017年10月19日(周四)上午,第1场:9:00-10:00,第2场:10:15-11:30 




    报告专家:1.Anton Kos, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

              2.Anton Umek, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


    报告1内容简介:Science and technology are ever more frequently used in sports for achieving the competitive advantage. Motion tracking systems, in connection to the biomechanical feedback, help in accelerating motor learning. The definition of biomechanical biofeedback systems is given along with their intended use. Biofeedback system architecture, elements, operation, requirements, and versions are presented in detail. Biofeedback system categorization is given: (a) on the basis of architecture, physical extent, and intended functionality, and (b) on constraints expressed in space, communication, processing, and timing requirements. Proposed biofeedback system versions are discussed in the context of the presented constraints and categorization.


    报告人1简介:Anton Kos received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2006. He is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He is a member of the Laboratory of Information Technologies at the Department of Communication and Information Technologies. He is a member of the research program Algorithms and optimization methods in telecommunications that was two years in a row the best research program financed by the Slovenian research agency. Since last year he is the leader of industrial research and development projects in designing of sensor based smart sport equipment and sensor based forestry machinery. His teaching and research work includes communication networks and protocols, quality of service, dataflow computing and applications, usage of inertial sensors in biofeedback systems and applications, signal processing, and information systems. He is the (co)author of more than twenty papers appeared in the international engineering journals and of more than forty papers at international conferences. He is a Senior member of IEEE, Union of Electrical Engineering of Slovenia, and SICOM.


    报告2内容简介:Wearable devices and smart sport equipment are being increasingly used in amateur and professional sports. A combination of body attached sensor devices and sensors integrated into the sport equipment, can help with developing better sport's gear, speed up the learning process and improve the skill level and performance. Smart sport equipment employs various sensors for detecting its state and actions. We present our experience in designing smart sport equipment and developing biomechanical feedback applications for alpine skiing and golf. Technical equipment can also provide valuable feedback to coach. Basic on-site technical equipment in professional coaching is a stop-watch; supplemental real-time athlete´s activity related information can make coaching much more efficient. The definition of demands for a measurement system that would best fit sport professionals is given and the results of our field tests in different watersports (swimming, canoeing and kayaking) are presented.

    报告人2简介:Anton Umek received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1999. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He is a member of the Laboratory of Information Technologies at the Department of Communication and Information Technologies.  He is a member of the research program Algorithms and optimization methods in telecommunications that was two years in a row the best research program financed by the Slovenian research agency. Since last year he is the leader of industrial research and development projects in designing of sensor based smart sport equipment and sensor based forestry machinery. His teaching and research work includes signal processing, digital communication, secure communications , access network technologies and design of sensor supported sport training systems. He is the (co)author of eight papers appeared in the international engineering journals and of more than thirty papers presented at international conferences.  Anton Umek is a member of IEEE and since 2015 the Slovenian section ComSOC chapter chair.